
Medical Service Providers

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Nice Deer Platform for Medical Service Providers

Nice Deer created a seamless insurance solution tailored specifically for medical service providers, the Platform is designed to streamline insurance processes, enhance efficiency, and improve patient care.

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Submit clean claims to collect payment faster.

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Deep insight into the medical history of the patient.

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Operational cost reduction.

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Better processing of health insurance claims.

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Combat fraud and abuse.

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Easier communication between the payer and the provider.

Nice Deer Platform

For Optics Centers

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Support pre-approval claims for optical centers.

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The system displays beneficiary detailed demographics.

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Nice Deer provides medical service providers with policy validations including:

• Frequency limit per period.

• Suspend the abusing beneficiaries.

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Medical service provider are able to request a “Change Price”.

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Medical service provider can review and submit claims batches.

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Trusted by

Top Optics Centers

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